
Weihnachts­geschenke für dein Team

Unsere Stadtgutscheine sind fast überall in deiner Region einlösbar - nachhaltig und steuerfrei!

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Das Besondere daran?

Mit unseren Stadtgutscheinen als Weihnachtsgeschenk macht ihr nicht nur euren Teammitgliedern eine besondere Freude. Ihr unterstützt gleichzeitig die Lieblingsorte in eurer Stadt.
Wie das Ganze zudem auch steuerfrei funktioniert, verraten wir euch gerne im Gespräch.

Eure Teams sind auch in anderen Regionen? Kein Problem! Auch dafür haben wir eine Lösung!

MIT der Regional Hero Card
in Über 880.000 Akzeptanzstellen einlösbar

Vorteile für dein Unternehmen.

Weihnachtsedition 2024

Jetzt Limited Edition sichern

Bestelle unsere Stadtgutscheine noch bis zum 30.11.2024 als Weihnachtsgeschenk für deine Mitarbeitenden, und du erhältst die Karten auf Wunsch direkt in unserer Weihnachtsedition 2024 verpackt.

Du willst dein Team regelmäßig motivieren?

Dann nutze doch einfach steuerfreie Benefits um deine Mitarbeitenden auch außerhalb von Weihnachten finanziell zu entlasten. So kommen deine Zuschüsse ohne zusätzliche Abgaben an.

Steuerfreie Sachbezüge

Du kannst pro Jahr bis zu 780 Euro zusätzlich an deine Angestellten auszahlen. Ohne Steuern. Ohne Sozialabgaben. Und noch besser: Dein Unternehmen engagiert sich damit gleichzeitig für eine lebendige Region.


Weihnachten, Geburtstag, Jubiläum – es gibt immer Gründe für gute Geschenke im Team. Und diese regionalen Gutscheine sind sogar gut für deine lokale Wirtschaft.

Geschichten von echten Regional Heroes.

Danke, dass wir bis hier reden durften. Jetzt lassen wir andere reden. Über lokales Engagement, das motiviert und verbindet.

Ewa Cabaj

Babbel- Lesson Nine GmbH

We used the B Card as an appreciation gift to our employees and they absolutely loved it. We had the vouchers in our inbox in just a matter of hours. Thank you to Pascal and his team for such a quick and smooth experience!

Uta Bendixen

Axel Springer National Media & Tech GmbH & Co. KG

This card is a great idea for all of us: For example, the recipient is looking forward to visiting their favorite café or getting to know a new place and local retailers are supported. Thank you so much!

Zoe Colton

Marley Spoon AG

Marley Spoon gave out the B Cards as part of our holiday celebration for 2020. This year has not been easy for anyone, so our team was especially happy with the gift and happy to be able to support our local businesses that make Berlin such an amazing city.

Christina Semmerow

eBay GmbH

We have given away the B-Card to everyone who works with us as part of our team in Berlin and Dreilinden because we find it important to support local retailers in the current difficult times.

Any more questions?

Everything you want to know — simply explained.

What is a cash benefit card?

A benefit card in kind is a tool with which companies can provide their employees with tax-free benefits in kind. The Regional Hero Card is a special benefit card that aims to promote the local economy. The card works like a prepaid credit card and can be used at all acceptance points that accept Mastercard. Employers can conveniently top up the cards with tax-free benefits in kind, which employees can then use in shops and services in their region. The Regional Hero Card provides a convenient way to provide employees with tax-free benefits while supporting and strengthening the local economy. It promotes employee loyalty to the company and contributes to the attractiveness of the workplace. The card can be used both online and offline and is supported by a user-friendly app that helps employees discover local offers and keep an eye on their available amount.

How do companies and employees benefit from a benefits card?

Companies and employees benefit from a benefit card in kind, such as the Regional Hero Card, in various ways. Companies can pass on tax-free benefits in kind to their employees and thus increase employee motivation and retention. By supporting the local economy, they also improve their corporate image and contribute to the sustainable development of the region. Employees benefit from tax-free benefits that increase their disposable income and have the opportunity to support local businesses and services. The Regional Hero Card helps them discover the diversity of their region and promotes awareness of the importance of the local economy. Overall, the card therefore creates added value for everyone involved.

What tax-free benefits in kind can companies offer with a benefits card?

With a benefit card such as the Regional Hero Card, companies can offer their employees various tax-free benefits in kind. In Germany, for example, benefits in kind of up to 600€ per year and employee are tax-free, in addition, 180€ per year and employee can be granted for personal events such as birthdays or anniversaries. The tax-free benefits in kind include meal vouchers, vouchers for local shops, leisure facilities or cultural events. The Regional Hero Card allows companies to easily and conveniently pass on these tax-free benefits to their employees while supporting the local economy.

How can I order and activate the Regional Hero Card?

To order the Regional Hero Card for your company, please use the contact field on our website to make an appointment with us. In an online meeting, we will discuss the requirements and the desired number of cards for your employees. As soon as the cards have been ordered, your employees will receive the physical card by post or the digital card via email. The Regional Hero Card is activated via the corresponding app. Your employees must download the app on their smartphone and log in with their personal details. They then enter the activation code that they received with the card. After successful activation, the card is ready for use and the credit can be used at participating stores and service providers. The app also provides an overview of the current balance and the option to view transactions.

How does the Regional Hero Card contribute to sustainability and strengthening the local economy?

The Regional Hero Card contributes to the sustainability and strengthening of the local economy by allowing employees to spend their tax-free credit with regional businesses and service providers. In this way, the money flows directly into the local economy, which helps to secure jobs, support local companies and strengthen purchasing power in the region. By specifically promoting the local economy, sustainability is improved as transport routes are shorter and local resources are used. This results in a reduction in the ecological footprint. In addition, the Regional Hero Card promotes awareness of the importance of the local economy and the benefits of shopping with regional suppliers. By combining tax-free benefits for employees and supporting regional companies, the Regional Hero Card helps create a sustainable and economically strong community.

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